
Most of my papers are available through the ArXiv.

My current main research interest is graph theory, especially spatial graphs. This is a topological way of thinking about graphs. Broadly speaking I'm interested in generaliziations of Kuratowski's Theorem, which classifies planarity in terms of two obstruction graphs, K5 and K3,3.

I also maintain a long-standing interest in knot theory, especially the study of exceptional Dehn surgeries using techniques of geometric topology.

I enjoy the give and take of collaboration, including with my students. Please look here for a listing of student projects I have supervised.

Two things you won't find on the ArXiv are my theses.

My Ph.D. dissertation, under Dr. Steven Boyer, is titled The Culler-Shalen seminorms of pretzel knots (pdf)

Dr. John McKay supervised my master's thesis in computational algebra, The computation of Galois groups over function fields. (pdf)

Chico Topology Conference

Since 2008 I have been the organizer of the Chico Topology Conference, held in the spring of even years. For more information about the conference, look here.